Tested, validated, and optimized to map out your personal psychology

The Intersection of Psychological Science and You
Psychological assessments have been around for a long time. But with the advent of the internet, different versions of these tests are more prevalent than ever. With so many types of psychological tests out there, our customers have started asking the important questions:
Which of these tests are real and what tests are fake?
How do I know if the tests I’m taking are backed by modern science?
Who’s designing these things? What are their credentials?
For those of you asking these kinds of questions, this page is for you.
So Many Apps, So Little Science
With so many tests out there related to psychology, Dr. Inkbot is the only one that:
(1) is built using tests, scales, and knowledge of modern psychological science, and
(2) is built to “democratize” psychological knowledge, and make it accessible to every day consumers
(3) is built to generate new knowledge for psychological science using the data we have
Psychological science has been the foundation of this app since conception, and will continually guide development with new insights gleaned directly from consumers.

Can I See Your Sources?
Conducting Our Own Research
We conduct ongoing research to show how our tests and measures have statistical and practical significance, with concrete implications for our users. This ensures that we are developing a scientifically supported app that can help our customer understand their own psychology.
We are continuously executing our own research in two areas:
(1) research that helps improve our customers experience on our app (2) primary research on our own proprietary measures of new and old psychological constructs.
For example, in week one you’ll take a test predicting your score on a number of perceptual styles. The research done to validate our perceptual style inventory was done by our in-house research team. See our scale reliability here.
Research By Independent Third Parties
Don’t believe us? You don’t have to!
We work with a number of third party academics, universities, and businesses to test our some of our new technology, techniques, and measures.
For example, students from different Universities in Boston are testing how certain machine learning models can be improved by including our perceptual style inventory. You can find the reports of all of our partners forthcoming.

How Do I Know You’re Science-Driven?
As a science backed app, we rely on four guiding pillars:
A Number Of Whitepapers and pending publications
Research Conducted By Psychology Students and Faculty participating in our University Partnerships
A Psychological Science Department Led By A Ph.D. in Psychology
Ongoing research to make the app measurements and algorithms more accurate and precise
Recent Tests On Dr. Inkbot And Our Approach To Projective Psychology
• How Accurate Are Your Machine Learning Models?
• Are Your Projective Tests Reliable?
• Have You Validated Your Psychological Measures?
• Are Your Projective Tests Better Than Regular Open Ends?

Try it today!